Sunday, June 12, 2011

The great Lake!

Hello hello I am in Thunder Bay for a well deserved rest day. 700km in 5 days that was intense, and I am so happy to have reach lake superior. I am officially further than half of my trip, although I might do a few detours in Quebec.
The landscape changed very quickly after Winnipeg, first it was still flat but the grass was replaced by pine and aspen trees, then from Falcon Lake on it became hilly, rocky and clad with hundreds of all size lakes. The change was a real thrill and it took a few days for my legs to get used to the constant change of pace as I go up and down baby hills. My rear derailleur must wonder what is happening sine I am now changing gear literally every minutes, a sharp difference with the plains. the weather has been fair, no rain, but please, pleeeeaaassse, PLEASE, may the wind switch direction. It hasn't been strong, but always working slightly against me.
Friday I met another David on his bike, he's from Winnipeg,left Vancouver early may and is also headed to Saint John's. We have been riding together and it helps a lot  with the wind. A good travel companion.
We arrived yesterday in Thunder Bay and was really disappointed by this town, it's not great at all, the waterfront is all industrially developed and there is no patio anywhere. Today the temperature are soaring in the high 20s, and everybody drives and eat inside. what a shame.

The life in the Jungle

The camping is usually pretty good on this part of the world, easy enough to find a good spot with sometimes some water to swim. The bugs are now fully out, and some spots are so infected with mosquito that you need to be fully covered with 2 layers of clothes and wear a net over your head to keep your sanity. still my wrists each have 25 bites and a little blood sucker even found his way in my boxers. Also, the ticks are a real concern here, and every night I find a few crawling in my tent. I am very anxious about the lyme disease so I perform a surgical check every night. And I am back in bear country and although I haven't seen any, they are said to be numerous here, since they banned the spring hunt a few years back. I got woken up by something big a few night ago, and realized it was grazing near my tent so I think it was a deer or moose. It made me feel safe since it wouldn't be here if a bear was around.

My rant about some truckers
Since this is a public blog, I will switch a few letters to remain politically correct (Fardon my prench). This message is not intended for all truckers. I keep seeing pop bottles, water bottles or milk jugs with a bright orange liquid inside. Thousand of them since Alberta. Could not figure out what it was and never try to figure out. Then I was told that some Sock Cuckers osshale fother mucker birt dags truckers were too lazy to take a pee brake, therefore piss in a bottle while driving and chuck it over board. this behavior made me hate them with all my might, and I swear if I see one throwing a bottle in the ditch, I am going to pick it up and at the next town pour it on his head. Dudes, I see lots of truckers stopping on the shoulder or in a pullout and pee behind their truck. follow their example, idiots.

2 days ago, I started to feel a bump every time my wheel would turn. It got worst and worst, and I realized that my rim was splitting. No way to repair it, and buying a new wheel with a hub costs less than relacing a rim on my hub, so I had to replace the whole wheel. sucky, but at least it didn't happen somewhere too remote.
Only had one flat since Vancouver, that is over 3000k. Thank you schwalbe tire.

Ok it's time to go chill and eat some more. Always hungry these days. The next mile stone will be Sault St Mary, in 6 days probably. Heard that there is some good hills coming up, almost excited about it.

Have a good one everybody, thanks for reading me.


  1. Good update David. I never knew that trucker's did that. That's really gross. Good luck with the bugs and bears :) Deb

  2. salut frérot,
    les nouvelles ont l'air plutôt bonnes, ça fait plaisir. On a bien pensé à toi ce we, en montant dans les Alpes : on a croisé un paquet de gars comme toi, y'en avait même un qui avait un vélo tout bizarre avec un pédalier à la place du guidon.
    à bientôt, et bonjour de notre part à tes amies les bêtes (petites ou grosses...).
    Sylvie, Maé et Laurent

  3. Enjoy northern Ontario. The road around L Sup is really pretty. Never done it on a bike, though; I can only imagine the mosquito-hell. BTW, downtown Vancouver is getting trashed as I type. Canucks lost game 7 tonight :( Cheers, Eric

  4. Salut mon ami

    Rentré de mon voyage Canada / états unis, apres avoir recherche maison et credit et tt le reste, j'ai repensé a ton blog, et je l'ai lu en entier, du moins pr la partie francaise, on se refait pas, tjs pas bilingue....

    PLus je li ca et plus je me demande ce qu'il t'es passé par la tete pour faire un voyage aussi dur que celui la, la motivation qu'il t'a fallu pour preparer tout cela , l'envie de pédaler chaque jours des centaines de kilometres, ca doit etre tres dur, res tres dur

    Mais en meme temps tu es en train d'accomplir quelque chose que personne d'entre nous ne fera(surtout pas moi) et de vivre une aventure hors norme , completement irreelle , vraiment folle

    Je suppose que tu as bcp de tps pour penser a tout en generale, j'espere que qd tu as pensé a l'endroit ou tu vas pick niqué ou niqué tt cours, l'endroit ou tu vas dormir, ou te reposer, etc, il te reste un peu de tps pour penser a tt tes potes de lycéé, tt ces bons moments passés ensemble, ils sont deja loin mais j'pr qu'ils te donnent un peu de courage dans les moments difficiles.

    Qd il pleut ou que tu es fatigué, ou que ca n'avance ou que tu en chies vraiment repense un peu a tt ces bons moments, les parties de flechettes chez tes parents avec les alcools, les bbq plein d'alcoolt tjs d'ailleurs, les cours de tsa/productique, BRETTTTT, Hochourian avec ses chemises d'homo violette, nos bonnes cuites, bonnne sorties en boite, balade moto, sejour au ski, et j'en passe et des meilleurs !!!!

    Bref tt ca pour te dire que je te souhaite beaucoup de courage et que je suis vraiment admiratif du défit fou que tu t'es lancé, et heureux pour toi du bien etre que tu dois ressentir sur ton vélo, a l'assault d'endroits plus beau les uns que les autres.
    ca doit etre fabuleux, j'imagine deja les moments qu'on va passer ensemble a parler de tt ca!!! au top !!

    Bonne continuation, et si tu arrive a tps, pense au tour de France, car si ta seule drogue pour te doper, c'est la saucisse fumé, tu ne seras pas ridicule par rapport a tt ces cyclistes plein de cachetons !!

    Biz mon ami, courage et a bientot pr des news fraiche....

    Lolo Binard

  5. un bisou de ta maman pour te donner du courage et de l'énergie pour faire encore et encore des km en pédalant.a+
